writer, speaker, content creator

More Adventures in Bad Hair

In Hair on September 8, 2009 at 5:35 pm

I am working on a rather extensive post about Burning Man, but before that, here’s a picture of me with a shaved head and beard. I like having a buzz cut, though I’ve only had it this short once before. Also, the beard is longer than the head fuzz, which is a bit odd. I don’t know if I’ll keep the beard or not- quite frankly, I think I look a little older (and vaguely pirate-like) this way.

This drastic measure was undertaken because prior to this, I had a rather nasty mohawk that I needed to get rid of. My hair was standing up on top of my head, and I had a few curved stripes in the fuzzy sides of my dome. It was neat for Burning Man, but I didn’t want to look too much like a Road Warrior extra whilst walking around Portland.

  1. BAD HAIR?!?!?!


  2. Hee hee… Yeah. I like the fully shaved non-mohawk version of you better. Although, don't get me wrong, I like you alot, no matter what your hair looks like. ; )

  3. But the mohawk had RACING STRIPES on the side!


    And Joe, I actually think your new hairstyle looks kinda cool. I recommend you run with it for a while!

  4. I think I am going to. The thing is, when I think of "shaved head with beard," I normally think of pretty big, built guys, like a carnival strongman or something. I'm tall, not really burly.

    And yes, the RACING STRIPES were pretty awesome.

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